Industrial & Commercial Sites

Selfie Rooftop Rooftopping London Urbex High Adam X Urban Exploration Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location dangerous night nightttime

Explore #201: Rooftop CW, London -April 2017

After our brief stopover at a military vehicles graveyard James, Jade and I met up with some other friends for a night of rooftopping down in London… Our Explore It had been quite some time since I’d been out rooftopping, and this proved to be a very enjoyable and adrenaline-filled explore – not to mention physically exhausting! Our target was a huge 60-storey tower block, deep in the heart of London’s business district. Accessing such a site wasn’t easy given…

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Norwich Gas Holder Night Nighttime Urbex Adam X Urban Exploration Access 2016 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Explore #4a (revisit): Gas Holder, Norwich, Norfolk – January 2016

Another explore which I’d forgotten about and just found on my hard drive – I will be back to chronological posting from the next post onwards! This was a short revisit to this local gas holder, which had been one of my earliest explorers back in September 2013. I’m far from happy with the shots, but am posting them for the sake of completeness. Visited with Magpie Tommy. Thanks for popping by. Adam X

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inside mixer pipe Circle Industry Cement factory industrial industy Adam X Urban Exploration Italy Italia Access 2016 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Explore #198: Circle Industry cement factory, Italy – October 2016

Explore #11 of the ‘128mb SD Card Tour’ The final explore of our trip was a relaxed wander around the remains of a large abandoned cement factory… …we began with James deploying his finest fencing-hurdling access skills… …the view of the valley and lower parts of the cement works… Two huge milling / mixing pipes… I climbed inside a discarded section of milling pipe – it was hot, dusty, dark, and there was at least one angry hornet nesting further…

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