bath house

Explore #237 (Part 3): Bathhouse number 5, Bathhouse number 8, and Train Station, Tskaltubo, Georgia – October 2018

Explore #1 of the ‘Love Bears’ Tour Welcome to the third and final instalment of what was an incredibly packed day of exploring the Soviet-era spa town of Tskaltubo. Have a look at my two previous posts for further shots from this amazing place, and details of its history in Part 1. I’ll crack straight on with the photos… Bathhouse Number 5 In its heyday, Tskaltubo had nine bathhouses located around the central park area. These formed an important part…

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Adam X Urbex Beelitz Heilstatten Germany Urban Exploration Lung clinic Sanatorium Hospital Decay Lost Abandoned Hidden balcony veranda outside external

Explore #94d (revisit): Beelitz-Heilstätten – Lung clinics and surgery building, Germany – August 2014

Explore #7 of the Berlin or Bust Tour Day Two After completing our exploration of the Women’s bath house and sanatorium at Beelitz on the second morning of our German roadtrip, James and I then moved on to explore the Women’s lung treatment clinic and surgery buildings. For a history of Beelitz, and many more photos from the Men’s sanatorium and bath house please see my first Beelitz report here. Anyway, on with the photos… As always, click on a…

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Adam X Urbex Beelitz Heilstatten Germany Urban Exploration Womens Women's Sanatorium Hospital Decay Lost Abandoned Hidden pavilion bathhouse bath house bay windows tiled ceiling ornate

Explores #94b and #94c (revisit): Beelitz-Heilstätten – Women’s Bathhouse and Sanatorium, Germany – August 2014

Explores #5 and #7 of the Berlin or Bust Tour Day Two After our morning exploring the Men’s Bathhouse and Sanatorium and a few other buildings, we had a breather, some lunch and energy drinks, and decided to have a look at the Women’s sanatorium buildings on the other side of the road. As we entered the first building we noticed a couple of other photographers further down one of the corridors. We thought nothing of this, until we turned…

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