
Explore #50: Piscine De Mosqueé, Belgium – April 2014

Explore #8 of the 3 Eurovirgins and a Europro tour Explore number 5 of Day Two of our Belgian weekender, and it wasn’t even our last of the day! Next up: this abandoned swimming pool with a beautiful twin staircase, located in a busy urban location. I had no idea about access to this place, and had heard reports of more than one group being busted by the owners, so I wasn’t entirely confident that this was going to be…

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Explore #49: Cooling Tower Petite Maison (aka the one with the shed), Belgium – April 2014

Explore #7 of the 3 Eurovirgins and a Europro tour Cooling Towers are like buses – who knew? You wait forever to explore one, and then two come along at once! After IM Cooling Tower our fourth location of the day was this little fella. I didn’t find it as visually interesting as IM Cooling Tower to be honest, but it didn’t hurt to pop in for a quick nose around. Just don’t ask me what a garden shed is…

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Explore #48: IM Cooling Tower, Belgium – April 2014

Explore #6 of the 3 Eurovirgins and a Europro tour After exploring Powerplant IM it was time to cross the river to the plant’s famous Cooling Tower. This involved a short drive around to the nearest bridge, via a small side street inhabited by a mentally-deficient local who pulled her car straight out into the side of mine without warning! The sound of the impact was horrendous and I was certain that my car was completely wrecked. But luckily they…

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