
Balcony view Theatre Salle des fêtes d’Ougrée Marihayea (OM) Théâtre Jeusette Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Explore #210: Salle des fêtes d’Ougrée Marihayea (OM) aka Théâtre Jeusette, Seraing, Belgium – August 2017

Explore #2 of ‘The Greased Otters Tour’ with Jeremy, Mark and Tim. Our intended second exploration was a large industrial wasteland, but seeing as this abandoned theatre was right next door it seemed rude not to pop in for half an hour! History The ‘Salle des fêtes d’Ougrée Marihayea’ (or just ‘OM’) is also known in the urbex world as ‘Théâtre Jeusette’. Designed by the Liège architect Georges Dedoyard and built in 1948, it was formerly known as ‘Cockerill Hall’…

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L’église Saint-Pierre Church of Decay Grâce-Hollogne Liege Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Explore #209: L’église Saint-Pierre aka Church of Decay, Grâce-Hollogne, Belgium – August 2017

Explore #1 of ‘The Greased Otters Tour’ with Jeremy, Mark and Tim. Another long weekend, another jaunt around decaying goodness. After assembling from the four corners of the world (Blackpool, London, Norwich, and Wales) we made the usual middle-of-the-night eurotunnel crossing and headed to Belgium. First stop at dawn was this beautifully decayed church which I’d failed to get in a few years earlier – this time the gods were smiling… History The Church of Saint-Pierre was first built during…

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Turbines rotary converters ACEC HF4 power plant wet dogs AMEC Industrial Industry Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Explore #208: HF4 power plant aka Wet Dogs, Belgium – May 2017

Explore #7 of the ‘Hot Filth Tour’ On the last day of our industrial extravaganza we spent an hour or two enjoying a beautiful old forgotten power plant… History (with thanks and acknowledgment to Behind Closed Doors for their knowledge and research of this site, from which the information below is derived) This was almost certainly the first plant built to power the Cockerill Sambre steelworks in Charleroi. A later (and also now superseded) power plant was the nearby Blue…

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