police station

post office mural famous spaceman inside Chernobyl Pripyat Urbex Adam X Urban Exploration 2015 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict

Chernobyl: Pripyat #4 – Swimming Pool ‘Lazurny’, Piano Shop, Post office, Police Station, Jupiter factory, Vehicle Graveyard, Apartment Block, and Cafe ‘Pripyat’. – April 2015

Welcome the the last of my 4 posts from the three days I spent exploring Pripyat, which are: 1. Avanhard Stadium, Fairground with Ferris Wheel and Bumper Cars, Palace of Culture ‘Energetik’, Polissya Hotel, and Music School. 2. The schools of Pripyat – Kindergartens #13 ‘Goldfish’, #4 ‘Golden Cockerel’, #15, Elementary Schools #1, #3, #2 and #5. 3. Hospital No.126. 4. Swimming Pool ‘Lazurny’, Piano Shop, Post office, Police Station, Jupiter factory, Vehicle Graveyard, Apartment Block, and Cafe ‘Pripyat’. As…

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Explore #66: The Magistrates Court and Police Station, somewhere in the UK – June 2014

Back to the UK for this explore of an abandoned Magistrates Court and police station, somewhere in the North of England. The Court closed in 2011 as part of a round of closures of 93 Magistrates and 49 County courts. I had recced this location in October last year but it was sealed. However, I got a tip-off that it was now doable, so made my way there in the company of new exploring buddies Urbanographer and Wasted Abandon. Upon…

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Explore #46: Eglise SV, aka Church of Bones, Belgium – April 2014

Explore #4 of the 3 Eurovirgins and a Europro tour After only a few precious hours of sleep our alarms were sounding at silly o’clock for day two of our Belgium exploring weekender. Despite the early hour I found it surprisingly easy to get up, thanks to my excited anticipation of what we had planned for the day, involving no fewer than 6 different sites. 🙂 First up was this beautiful old abandoned church. When it closed the bodies buried…

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