
Explore #52: Prison H15, France – April 2014

Explore #10 of the 3 Eurovirgins and a Europro tour This was the tenth and final location of my debut European Urbex tour, and it was a cracker of a location to finish with. This huge prison closed in 2010, when in was replaced by a more modern prison based on the US maximum security prisons built nearby. The only people who have frequented here since have been urban explorers, graffiti artists, and metal thieves. Sadly there have been more…

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Explore #51: Chateau de Noisy (aka Chateau Miranda), Belgium – April 2014

Explore #9 of the 3 Eurovirgins and a Europro tour The sixth and final explore of Day Two was only just behind the CDC on my most wanted list – a “fairytale” derelict castle buried deep in the Belgian countryside. As with the CDC I found myself holding back my excitement beforehand in case we failed – stories of the psychopathic groundsman and his shotgun are (in)famous in the urban exploration community! However, as we started to make our way…

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Explore #50: Piscine De Mosqueé, Belgium – April 2014

Explore #8 of the 3 Eurovirgins and a Europro tour Explore number 5 of Day Two of our Belgian weekender, and it wasn’t even our last of the day! Next up: this abandoned swimming pool with a beautiful twin staircase, located in a busy urban location. I had no idea about access to this place, and had heard reports of more than one group being busted by the owners, so I wasn’t entirely confident that this was going to be…

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