Palaces, Castles & Mansions

Exterior Outside external sunburst garden Palazzo L Villa Rosa Urbex Adam X Urban Exploration Italy Italia Access 2016 Abandoned Grand Ornate Neoclassical decay lost forgotten infiltration derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Explore #192: Villa Rosa aka Palazzo L, Italy – October 2016

Explore #5 of the ‘128mb SD Card Tour’ Late in the afternoon we explored this grand old villa on the outskirts of a small village in the Italian countryside. History The villa dates back to at least the 18th century, and underwent two large revisions over its history. The original entrance overlooks the gardens and pond, but as the nearby village developed over time the service entrance became used as the main façade. The second revision to the architecture was…

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Gate overgrown External Exterior Outside Front Facade Palace Glinka Pałac w Glince Urbex Poland Adam X Urban Exploration Access 2016 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location

Explore #183: Pałac Glinka, Poland – May 2016

Explore #23 of ‘The Picnics & Palaces Tour’ After our explore of Great Belcz we just had time to grab a quick external shot of one more crumbling palace… History (translated and rewritten from here). The Baroque Pałac Glinka was built in the 18th century by the Zobeltitz family. The building and landscaped parkland were expanded during the nineteenth century, and despite heavy fighting in the area it survived World War II relatively intact. In the post-war period, as with…

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External Exterior Outside Front Facade Main hall twin split stairs staircase Great Belcz Palace Pałac w Bełczu Wielkim Urbex Poland Adam X Urban Exploration Access 2016 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location haunting eerie before the fire

Explore #182: Palace Great Belcz aka Pałac w Bełczu Wielkim, Poland – May 2016

Explore #22 of ‘The Picnics & Palaces Tour’ Our palaces megatour continued with a quick late-afternoon stopover at another grand old palace which has fallen into serious (and now terminal) decline… History (translated and rewritten from here). The baroque Palace Belcz dates back to 1787, when it was owned by the von Kalkereuth family. The estate then passed to the Schönborns, before being bought by Ludwig Adolph Theodor Dürr in 1898. During World War II the palace was commandeered by…

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