
Control room dials light painting RAF Neatished Norfolk R12 bunker Urbex Adam X Urban Exploration 2015 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict

Explore #141 – RAF Neatished R12 Bunker, Norfolk (permission visit) – September 2015

When some local explorers arranged a permission visit to this hidden piece of military heritage I jumped at the chance to tag along – thanks guys! History (abridged and amended from wiki) RRH Neatishead is a Royal Air Force Remote Radar Head (RRH) in Norfolk. Established during WWII its primary function was as a Control and Reporting Centre (CRC) for the south of the UK, forming part of the Air Surveillance And Control System (ASACS) and the wider NATO air…

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Office window curtain staircase reflection Sovereign House HMSO Norwich Urbex Adam X Urban Exploration 2015 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict

Explore #140: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office (HMSO) Sovereign House, Norwich – 2015

In the fine city of Norwich where I live there is a large derelict office building, which since I first started exploring three years ago has never left my top three of ‘most wanted’ locations, sitting incongruously amongst far more ostentatious company such as the Chambre de Commerce in Belgium, Sammezzano Castle in Italy, and Battersea Power Station in London. Why? It’s hard to explain, but I’ll try… [Photo from Bing Maps] Perhaps it’s the sheer audacity of the building’s…

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chandeliers Ballroom Grosvenor Room The Grand Hotel Birmingham Urbex Adam X Urban Exploration 2015 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict

Explore #139: The Grand Hotel, Birmingham – August 2015

After spending the night at a nearby hotel and enjoying some excellent Chinese food and much needed cold beers, it was another super early start the next morning. Our target: a huge Grade II* listed hotel with a truly stunning ballroom… History (from wiki) The Grand Hotel is a Grade II* listed Victorian hotel in the city centre of Birmingham, England. The hotel occupies the greater part of a block bounded by Colmore Row, Church Street, Barwick Street and Livery…

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