
Stairs paint detail peeling paint No 19 Ward colours shadows bannister steps X-ray Labs lab laboratory x ray CMH Cambridge Military Hospital Adam X Urbex UE Urban Exploration abandoned derelict unused empty disused decay decayed decaying grimy grime

Explore #40a(revisit): Cambridge Military Hospital (x-ray wards and main hospital), Aldershot, Hampshire – October 2014

I had unfinished business at this large site, after my first visit to CMH in March 2014 ended with being busted after I had only explored the maternity wards. History The Cambridge Military Hospital, built by Messrs Martin Wells and Co. of Aldershot, was located at Stanhope Lines. It was named after Prince George, Duke of Cambridge and opened on 18 July 1879. In the First World War, the Cambridge Hospital was the first base hospital to receive casualties directly…

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Explore #40: Cambridge Military Hospital (maternity ward), Aldershot, Hampshire – March 2014

After a night of breathtaking views in great company on the Kings Reach Tower climb it was time to make the middle-of-the-night drive solo down to Aldershot for my next target – Cambridge Military Hospital (or CMH to its friends). It was a surreal experience coming down from the adrenaline high of earlier in the night and driving around an almost deserted M25 at about 3.45am – at one point I must have driven for over a minute without seeing…

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