
lobby reception waiting area Hospital 126 Chernobyl Pripyat Urbex Adam X Urban Exploration 2015 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict

Chernobyl: Pripyat #3 – Hospital No.126 – April 2015

This is the third of four posts which I will be publishing from the four days I spent exploring the abandoned city of Pripyat: 1. Avanhard Stadium, Fairground with Ferris Wheel and Bumper Cars, Palace of Culture ‘Energetik’, Polissya Hotel, and Music School. 2. The schools of Pripyat – Kindergartens #13 ‘Goldfish’, #4 ‘Golden Cockerel’, #15, Elementary Schools #1, #3, #2 and #5. 3. Hospital 126. 4. Swimming Pool ‘Lazurny’, Piano Shop, Post office, Police Station, Jupiter factory, Vehicle Graveyard,…

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Orphanage Adam X Portfolio print shot let there be light lights decay detail mould fungus growth organic light green walls Silverlands Orphanage glass windows Adam X Urbex UE Urban Exploration abandoned derelict unused empty disused decay decayed decaying grimy grime

Explore #108: Silverlands Orphanage, UK – October 2014

After our successful explore of Cambridge Military Hospital James and I met up with a few of our other explorer friends, the oh-so-normally monikered MrDan Explores, Dirty Jigsaw, and Sweetpea, to explore this abandoned Orphanage in the South of England. History This Grade II listed building was founded as a country house in 1812, and became an orphanage in the 1930s, run by the Actors Orphanage Fund and supported by the likes of Noel Coward, Sir Laurence Olivier and Richard…

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Adam X Urbex Beelitz Heilstatten Germany Urban Exploration Lung clinic Sanatorium Hospital Decay Lost Abandoned Hidden balcony veranda outside external

Explore #94d (revisit): Beelitz-Heilstätten – Lung clinics and surgery building, Germany – August 2014

Explore #7 of the Berlin or Bust Tour Day Two After completing our exploration of the Women’s bath house and sanatorium at Beelitz on the second morning of our German roadtrip, James and I then moved on to explore the Women’s lung treatment clinic and surgery buildings. For a history of Beelitz, and many more photos from the Men’s sanatorium and bath house please see my first Beelitz report here. Anyway, on with the photos… As always, click on a…

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