
Adam X Chateau de la Chapelle urbex urban exploration belgium abandoned chapel statue statuette mary candle

Explores #89 and #89a (revisit): Chateau de la Chapelle, Belgium – August and September 2014

Explore #12 of the Gigawatts & Megalolz Tour After our early start at the Alla Italia spa, we made a quick stop at this Boeing 707 which used to be owned by the president of Benin. In 1992 he landed at Ootende in Belgium, and it never left! A local politician bought it, and it looks as if he’s in the process of turning it into a tourist attraction?! We had a little nose around, but after setting off an…

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Villa Vital Adam X Urbex - bedroom

Explore #83: Villa Vital, Belgium – August 2014

Explore #5 of the Gigawatts & Megalolz Tour The fifth and final explore of Day One of the GW&ML tour was this abandoned townhouse, somewhere in Belgium. By this stage we were all pretty shattered and yearning for showers and beers, but decided to stop by en route to our hotel. Myself and Dan of MrDan Explores quickly scouted out the access, and had a look inside. We were both a bit freaked out to see a curtain hanging down…

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