night photography

Explore #73: Tower X, somewhere in the UK – July 2014

Explore #1 of the Quality>Quantity aka Crimes Against Photography Tour The first location of this UK weekend road trip with Urbanographer, Wasted Abandon, and Carrot In Motion was the amazing and mysterious ‘Tower X’. We’ve used a code name for this location for now to avoid unwanted attention and keep a relatively low profile, but we may update our reports to its true name at a later date… The inspiration to try and crack this location came from a random…

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Explore #69: Rooftop X, London – June 2014

I recently hooked up with my good buddies Peter Sweetpea and Dan of MrDan Explores and Operation Baguette fame for an all nighter of exploring in London. We started the evening by scoping out a potential revisit to Kings Reach Tower… …however we had to abort that due to the increased security presence and the timing not being right. Still on the lookout for other exploring opportunities we came across this fun little rooftop quite by chance. We didn’t expect…

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