
Wooden Staircase Carved ornate Leybourne Grange Manor House Medway Manor Kent Urbex Adam X Urban Exploration 2015 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict

Explore #152: Leybourne Grange Manor house (aka Medway Manor), Kent – December 2015

Just before the end of the year James and I made a quick dash down towards the South coast for a couple more explores… first up was this crumbling old Manor House, which once formed part of a Mental Asylum… History The Manor House at Leybourne Grange dates back to before 1724, when it was sold to Francis Whitworth. In the mid/late 1700s the property was sold on to the Hawley family, in whose ownership the land remained until it…

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Rotary dissolvers Tata Chemicals Soda Ash Winnington Industrial Industry infiltration Urbex Adam X Urban Exploration 2015 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict

Explore #151: Tata Chemicals soda ash works, Northwich – December 2015

Having explored ‘The Snow Factory’ disused soda ash works earlier in the year, this was a welcome return to explore more of the the huge Tata Chemicals site. History Founded in 1873, Brunner Mond & Co became the UK’s largest soda ash (sodium carbonate) producer. Expansion continued until it merged with three other companies to form chemcials giant ICI in 1926. In 1991 the works were hived off to a separate company as part of wider cost cutting and business…

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Turbine Lostock Power Station Plant Northwich Industrial Industry infiltration Urbex Adam X Urban Exploration 2015 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict

Explore #150: Lostock Power Station, Northwich – December 2015

When visiting the in-laws for Christmas, I took the opportunity to duck out on what turned out to be a cold and rainy Boxing Day for a couple of nearby explores – complete with a turkey sandwich packed lunch! First up was the decaying remains of an old coal-fired power station… History (amended and expanded upon from others’ reports on urbex forums, apologies but I haven’t been able to trace the original author) The Site was originally owned by Bowman…

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