Churches and religious

Adam X Chateau de la Chapelle urbex urban exploration belgium abandoned chapel statue statuette mary candle

Explores #89 and #89a (revisit): Chateau de la Chapelle, Belgium – August and September 2014

Explore #12 of the Gigawatts & Megalolz Tour After our early start at the Alla Italia spa, we made a quick stop at this Boeing 707 which used to be owned by the president of Benin. In 1992 he landed at Ootende in Belgium, and it never left! A local politician bought it, and it looks as if he’s in the process of turning it into a tourist attraction?! We had a little nose around, but after setting off an…

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Explore #76: St Joseph’s Seminary, Upholland, Lancashire – July 2014

Explore #4 of the Quality>Quantity aka Crimes Against Photography Tour This report is a pretty mammoth one – I hope you’ll agree it’s justified by the location and the story of our explore! After exploring Tower X, The Royalty Cinema and The Ark, and 40+ hours without sleep, our group finally checked in at one of the grottiest “hotels” I have even had the misfortune to stay at, somewhere in a rather insalubrious suburb of Manchester. Urbanographer had booked it…

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Explore #75: Greenbank Drive Synagogue, aka The Ark, Liverpool – July 2014

Explore #3 of the Quality>Quantity aka Crimes Against Photography Tour After our successful explores at Tower X and The Royalty Cinema our intrepid gang then hit the exploring doldrums for a few hours, as we failed to gain access to the next site, and found the one after that to still be very active and had to be aborted for another day. But we pressed on through the fatigue, and by mid-afternoon we had made our way to Liverpool and…

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