
Explore #70: Silo D of Millennium Mills & London Pleasure Gardens, London – June 2014

After exploring Rooftop X earlier that night Dan, Peter and I then had a fail whilst scouting out another location, so as dawn was breaking we headed to Millennium Mills. Unfortunately we were unable to gain access to the main mills this time, so instead had a mooch around the Grade II listed grain ‘Silo D’ which formed part of the main mill complex, and what remains of London Pleasure Gardens. History You can find a full history of Millennium…

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Explore #69: Rooftop X, London – June 2014

I recently hooked up with my good buddies Peter Sweetpea and Dan of MrDan Explores and Operation Baguette fame for an all nighter of exploring in London. We started the evening by scoping out a potential revisit to Kings Reach Tower… …however we had to abort that due to the increased security presence and the timing not being right. Still on the lookout for other exploring opportunities we came across this fun little rooftop quite by chance. We didn’t expect…

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Explore #68: The Porn House, Norfolk – June 2014

I had been meaning to visit this small abandoned house in the Norfolk countryside for ages, so it was good to finally pay it a visit with Urbanographer one sunny summer’s evening after work. It is nicknamed The Porn House due to the number of, ahem, gentleman’s magazines which are scattered amidst the other general detritus – although for some reason I rather neglected to photograph many of them! There is no history on this place, but it has clearly…

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