
RMS Ganges Shotley Bridge Suffolk Swimming Pool piscine balcony out of bounds trespass trespassing Adam X Urbex Urban Exploration light green photo photos report decay detail UE abandoned derelict unused empty disused decay decayed decaying grimy grime

Explore #110: HMS Ganges Swimming Pool, Shotley, Suffolk – November 2014

After my epic last report from the Underwater Ballroom, my next two reports are much briefer affairs I’m afraid. The reason for this is that I somehow managed to accidentally delete all bar a couple of my photos from this and the next explore – gutted! Still, at least they were relatively small explores, and not ones from another country. History The name HMS Ganges came into service in 1779 when 3 vessels were presented to the navy by the…

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Stairs paint detail peeling paint No 19 Ward colours shadows bannister steps X-ray Labs lab laboratory x ray CMH Cambridge Military Hospital Adam X Urbex UE Urban Exploration abandoned derelict unused empty disused decay decayed decaying grimy grime

Explore #40a(revisit): Cambridge Military Hospital (x-ray wards and main hospital), Aldershot, Hampshire – October 2014

I had unfinished business at this large site, after my first visit to CMH in March 2014 ended with being busted after I had only explored the maternity wards. History The Cambridge Military Hospital, built by Messrs Martin Wells and Co. of Aldershot, was located at Stanhope Lines. It was named after Prince George, Duke of Cambridge and opened on 18 July 1879. In the First World War, the Cambridge Hospital was the first base hospital to receive casualties directly…

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Explore #73: Tower X, somewhere in the UK – July 2014

Explore #1 of the Quality>Quantity aka Crimes Against Photography Tour The first location of this UK weekend road trip with Urbanographer, Wasted Abandon, and Carrot In Motion was the amazing and mysterious ‘Tower X’. We’ve used a code name for this location for now to avoid unwanted attention and keep a relatively low profile, but we may update our reports to its true name at a later date… The inspiration to try and crack this location came from a random…

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