
Main lecture theatre auditorium side view Adam X Urbex UE Urban Exploration Belgium Pritzer Fac Pritzker Fac University College campus buildings abandoned derelict unused empty disused decay decayed decaying grimy grime

Explore #104: Pritzer Fac, Belgium – September 2014

Explore #4 of the Taking the Piscine Tour Day Two. After my revisit to Chateau de la Chapelle we were all glad to check in to our motel for the night, on the outskirts of a Belgian city. Unfortunately the motel turned out to be not just “cheap” but also “nasty” – imagine a Ryanair toilet with added stale cigarette smoke. I dubbed it “the hateful box of tears” and have vowed never to return. But on the plus side…

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Upstairs landing bannisters roof windows hole Adam X Urbex UE Urban Exploration Belgium Villa Maison SS House Townhouse abandoned derelict unused empty disused decay decayed decaying grimy grime collapsing overgrown

Explore #103: Maison SS, Belgium – September 2014

Explore #2 of the Taking the Piscine Tour After exploring Piscine Crachoir it was on to this abandoned house, set deep inside overgrown grounds on the outskirts of a Belgian village. I haven’t been able to find anything by way of history on this place, and we didn’t spend long there as it was stripped out and suffering from extensive damage. As always [click on a photo to VIEW LARGE] Through the front door into the hallway. The downstairs living…

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Pool from the diving blocks end Adam X Urbex UE Urban Exploration Belgium Piscine Crachoir swimming pool abandoned derelict unused empty disused decay decayed decaying grimy grime

Explore #102: Piscine Crachoir, Belgium – September 2014

Explore #1 of the Taking the Piscine Tour The Euro trips kept on coming thick and fast throughout 2014, and next up was a long weekend back to Belgium. We dubbed it “Taking the Piscine” Tour on account of the two swimming pools on our target list. In the end we only managed to get to this one… History This classic swimming pool was built in 1915 during the First World War to keep the local workers from having to…

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