Explore #3 of the ‘Greased Otters Tour’

Next up was a relatively quick look around the remains of a rusting coking plant…

I don’t know a huge amount about this site, other than that it apparently formed part of the vast Arcelor Mittal (formerly Cockerill Sambre) owned Haut Fourneau 6 (HF6) steelworks. The blast furnace was demolished a couple of years ago, but this part clings on amongst the razor wire and overgrowth…

Our Explore
This was another relatively relaxed explore, apart from avoiding a few dodgy looking characters (possible metal thieves) on site, and negotiating some razor wire on the way in – here’s Mark and Jeremy mucking about, and Tim just getting on with it 🙂 …

Razor Wire access infiltration Rust Garden Rusty Garden HF6 Industrial Industry Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie  Tim Knifton Timster Razor Wire King infiltration access brave Rust Garden Rusty Garden HF6 Industrial Industry Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Pipes gantries external Rust Garden Rusty Garden HF6 Industrial Industry Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Huge large factory Rust Garden Rusty Garden HF6 Industrial Industry Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Gas holder pipes Rust Garden Rusty Garden HF6 Industrial Industry Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Rust Garden Rusty Garden HF6 Industrial Industry Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Rust Garden Rusty Garden HF6 Industrial Industry Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Pipes Rust Garden Rusty Garden HF6 Industrial Industry Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Pipes Rust Garden Rusty Garden HF6 Industrial Industry Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Rust Garden Rusty Garden HF6 Industrial Industry Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Coke coal conveyor belt Rust Garden Rusty Garden HF6 Industrial Industry Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Rust Garden Rusty Garden HF6 Industrial Industry Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Overgrown when nature takes over Rust Garden Rusty Garden HF6 Industrial Industry Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Rust Garden Rusty Garden HF6 Industrial Industry Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Rust Garden Rusty Garden HF6 Industrial Industry Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Gas holder Rust Garden Rusty Garden HF6 Industrial Industry Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Dark pipes Rust Garden Rusty Garden HF6 Industrial Industry Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Pipes valves Rust Garden Rusty Garden HF6 Industrial Industry Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Grimy sign health and safety Rust Garden Rusty Garden HF6 Industrial Industry Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Green Turbine Rust Garden Rusty Garden HF6 Industrial Industry Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Green Turbine Thunderbird 2 Rust Garden Rusty Garden HF6 Industrial Industry Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Control panel Rust Garden Rusty Garden HF6 Industrial Industry Adam X Urban Exploration Belgium Access 2017 Abandoned decay lost forgotten derelict location creepy haunting eerie

Thanks for popping by.
Adam X